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Open Educational Resources & Textbook Affordability Webinars

开放教育资源(OER)是用于教学或学习的材料 在公共领域或在许可许可下发布 freely used, changed, or shared with others.

Fall 2022

向教科书的可负担性迈出第一步:从 Library Resources and Course Reserves

  • October 4, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Stephanie Wiegand,大学图书馆教科书价格馆员

教师和教师在使用图书馆资料和图书馆方面有着悠久的历史 课程储备,以补充课程教科书的教学原因-填补 in knowledge gaps and to customize course content for their students. Many faculty 可能不认为这些做法是为学生节省成本的措施-但使用 library materials and library course reserves does reduce costs. Have you ever considered 从图书馆资源和图书馆中建立一个完整的教科书或课程阅读清单 course reserves, and reducing your students’ textbook costs to $0? Do the UNC Libraries 已经提供多用户访问教科书、章节、文章和其他工具 on your course topics? Could a few chapters from different textbooks create a new 可以在皇冠app官方版下载图书馆课程储备中为您的学生提供的教科书 在版权法的合理使用例外的范围内免费使用? Join us to explore the possibilities.

Copyright, Licensing, & Attribution for Affordable Course Readings & Open Educational Resources

  • October 11, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Stephanie Wiegand,大学图书馆教科书价格馆员

本次会议分为三个部分:版权、知识共享许可和 the complexity of attributions. Join us for a discussion of issues you need to consider in using Affordable Course Readings and/or OER in your courses. These are each complex issues that cannot be delved deeply in a single session; rather these discussions 是为了激发你的需求和责任是什么的问题和想法 in using these materials.

让我们来谈谈创作、托管平台和传播信息:你需要什么 to Consider

  • October 18, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Stephanie Wiegand,大学图书馆教科书价格馆员

你是否考虑用Creative来创作自己的开放教育资源(OER) 共享或其他开放许可,并与其他教师,学习者或 institutions? 您甚至可能已经将内容格式化以供使用,但不确定 where to put it so that others can access it. Have you considered how you will get the word out about your resource so other can benefit from your work? You already 有内容方面的专业知识,所以让我们来谈谈发行的本质 OER. 本次会议将探讨各种OER平台和出版的学科需求 OER and working to promote your materials.

Spring 2022


  • Tuesday, March 8, 2:00-3:00 pm
  • Stephanie Wiegand,大学图书馆教科书价格馆员

为学生省钱,确保学生有机会获得课本和课程 从第一天的课程开始,使用不同来源的最佳材料, 改编别人的作品,使其适用于特定的学生群体 – these are all exceptional and worthwhile goals. But it is all so…overwhelming. Are 你有兴趣摆脱传统的商业(和昂贵的)教科书 your courses? In this webinar, Professor & Librarian Stephanie Wiegand will discuss 在使用开放教育资源(OER)和图书馆许可方面迈出了小步 materials (LER).

Open Educational Resources & Accessibility: A Wholistic View

  • Wednesday, March 9, 1:00-2:00 pm
  • Stephanie Wiegand,大学图书馆教科书价格馆员

开放教育资源的可及性(OER)通常会让人想到技术、 nitty-gritty details concerning digital documents and learning objects. The minutiae 在Alt标签中,对比色和导航标题只是部分包含 the sphere of accessibility in OER. The very foundations of OER are built on an ethical 无障碍框架是实现高等教育公平和包容所必需的 education. 可访问性包括设计、发现、语言、组织、 diversity of content, and more. Accessibility should not be considered an accommodation, but rather a way to improve education for all. Join Professor & Librarian Stephanie Wiegand for a discussion concerning accessibility and OER. If you are ready to learn 更多或考虑审查、采用、调整或创建OER,此讨论 is for you.

Spring 2021


  • Deborah Agar, Dr. Margaret Berg, Jeffrey Gilis, Dr. David Greene, Dr. Heeseung Lee, and Dr. Jittapim Yamprai
  • March 2, 9:30-10:30 am

加入来自不同学科的皇冠app官方版下载教师OER受助人,分享他们的经验 making the change to using open educational resources. Panelists will share their 纳入OER的动机,他们的教学方法如何改变,以及面临的挑战 and successes along the way. 

Open Textbook Review Workshop

  • Dr. Emily Ragan,化学与生物化学系副教授 OER Coordinator at Metropolitan State University of Denver
  • March 2, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Dr. Emily Ragan,科罗拉多州2020年杰出Z教授奖得主,将介绍 参与者对教科书的可负担性危机,开放许可选项表示支持 开放教材等开放教育资源,以及开放资源的优势.  工作坊结束后,参加者将有机会写一篇简短的回顾 开放的教科书,这将有利于其他教师考虑开放的教科书. If selected to write a review, you will receive a $200 stipend.


  • Dr. Oscar Levin
  • March 4, 9:30-10:30 am

使用开放教育资源(OER)的动机主要是基于 an attempt to save students money. While this is certainly the case, a more convincing 让教师放弃传统教科书的理由是OER提供的 pedagogical benefits beyond pricing. In this talk we will consider some ways in which OER可以比商业课程材料质量更高,借鉴经验教训 皇冠app官方版下载数学科学学院通过编写教科书和其他方式学习 has made the use of OER a priority.


  • Dr. Robin DeRosa, Director of the Open Learning & Teaching Collaborative at Plymouth State University
  • March 4, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Dr. Robin DeRosa将探讨开放教育资源(OER)如何成为其中的一部分 一种注重学生能动性、关联学习和结构学习的教学方法 equity. 通过强调以公共为导向的知识共享方法可以如何转变 在教育学方面,罗宾将为高等教育提供一个最大限度地实现学术自由的愿景 虽然它带来了合作,打开了接受高等教育的大门,并吸引了学习者 in exciting and vibrant ways.

Register for a Webinar

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