

学生学习评估对于了解学生是否在学习课程至关重要 content. 评估数据用于跟踪学习情况,并根据情况对课程进行调整 皇冠app安卓下载安装学生的进步. Along with data based on course work it is important to evaluate teaching practices at various points in the semester. 有效教学评价 包括多个数据源,如自我反思、同伴反馈和学生 反馈. 教学数据的多种来源确保教师可以做出 informed decisions about pedagogical approaches and curriculum design.


反思性实践对于教师来说是一种教学的自我评估,其中一个是教师 检查他们的教学方法,阐明他们的策略的原因和优势 identifies areas for revision or improvement. When using reflection, instructors think 批判性地看待他们的教学和解决问题的方法, rather than relying on unchanging, established personal norms. 有很多方法 开始反思练习. To get started consider two simple tools:


Keep a journal to reflect on each class session throughout the semester. 拨出 5-10 minutes after each class to reflect on the following questions: 

  • 今天怎么样了??
  • What could I have done differently?
  • How will I modify my instruction in the future?

录像(或通过Zoom/Teams录制)一节课并观看自己的教学. 你 can reflect on your teaching in two ways:

Reflective Practice Examples from 皇冠app官方版下载教师
  • 詹姆逊,M. (2020). 确定的需求 & Making Changes: Reflective and Reflexive Practices for Becoming 更好的老师,在北方大学2020年教学与评估研讨会上的主旨演讲 科罗拉多州
    • 詹姆森讨论了参与反思实践和采取行动来改进教学 和学习
  • McCartin L. & Dineen R. (2018). 教学评估. 面向图书馆教学的批判性包容性评估实践. 图书馆 榨汁机(第三章).
    • McCartin和Dineen用他们的作品中的例子来讨论日志和视频观察 practice, and provide tips for successfully implementing these techniques.


 Faculty peers can provide valuable insight about teaching practice. 通过观察 课程和复习课程材料,与同行内外的对话 of your department can be helpful. The following resource will help you set up a peer-observation 任何交付方法的流程. 

  • 同侪观察过程
    • 本文档概述了整个流程,包括会前准备、会议结束和会议结束 观察和会后讨论. 
  • 同侪观察表格
    • This form can be used to set up the peer-observation. 表单可以修改为 满足特定教师的需求.
  • 网上同侪观察表格
    • 这个表单可以用来观察Canvas中的在线课程,重点是导航, 结构和content. 表单可以修改为 满足特定教师的需求. 如果在线课程包含实时同步组件(如Zoom会话),则它可以使用实时同步组件 is recommended that the observer also use the 同侪观察表格.


整个学期收集到的学生反馈可以帮助教师做出改变 提高学习的课程. Student 反馈 should focus on gathering information 你可以采取行动. Move away from the Likert scale satisfaction questions 因为这些答案没有为您提供足够的信息来更改您的 课程.


如果你想真正了解学生是如何体验你的课程的,以及你是如何 能否在当下做出改变来提高学生的参与度和积极性,考虑一下 checking-in with students monthly. These can be very quick check-ins done on paper or as an ungraded Canvas quiz that ask simple questions, such as:

  • When are you most engaged during class? 请提供 specific activity/assignment 例子.
  • 如果你对这门课程有什么问题或担忧,你愿意来找我吗? If 不,我该如何改进?
  • 列出1-2个你为这门课程设定的目标,并讨论你将如何实现这些目标 这些目标. What can I do to better support your goals?


Mid-semester 反馈 is collected 6-7 周s into the semester. 这个反馈提供了 教师对课程中什么是有效的具有实际和可操作的见解 as well as recommendations for improving learning and teaching. 你可以调整这些 mid-semester check-in forms for use in your 课程. These can be used in both online or face-to-face 课程; for any course delivery model you can use Qualtrics or a Canvas quiz to administer the check-in.

End-of-Semester Course Evaluation

课程结束后的反馈会在期末考试前收集并提供指导 with information about student experiences throughout 这门课. 这个反馈是 used to make curricular and pedagogical changes for next semester. 可能老师 have a set of Likert scale questions used department-wide. 然而,这很重要 对于每个教练提出的问题,将提供有用的信息,以提高 这门课. 

Tips for Writing Effective Summative Evaluation Questions
  • Focus on relevant and actionable concepts. Ask students to reflect on their experience with specific aspects of your course. They will be asked to answer hundreds of course 评估问题,所以你要让你的问题与他们相关. 
  • 专注于一个话题. Instead of asking "Were the assignments and 活动 useful", 它要求学生反思两件事,而不是只问作业或 活动. It can also be useful to ask about specific assignments and 活动 获得详细的反馈. If you felt there was an assignment that students did not 做得和你期望的一样好,课程评估是一个很好的时间来问一下 这.
  • 不要问一些一般性的问题,比如“我在这门课上学到了很多东西”,要专注 on course specifics such as assignments and lessons. 这可以提供更多的见解 into improving course design and teaching.
  • 要求学生反思他们的学习与课程学习成果的关系. 学生可以通过讨论,为教师提供有意义的信息 觉得这门课程为他们取得成果做好了充分的准备 或活动与每个结果和他们的成就感知水平最相关 在课程结束时.
  • How well do you feel classroom time was spent?  What could be done to improve upon 这?
  • Did the textbook reading help you in learning course content? 通过这个过程你学到了更多吗 completing the reading summaries?
  • Were instructions to assignments clear? If not, did the professor take time to explain 预期是什么.
Asking about Equity and Inclusion

重要的是,我们要以公平和包容的态度来设计和交付课程 课堂实践. This includes how we speak to students, such as using correct 正确的代词,我们如何选择课程材料包括不同的学者和 视角. 你 can ask questions about equity and inclusion in both Likert scale 开放式问题.

Sample Equity and Inclusion Questions:
  • 你觉得课程材料让你接触到专家的不同观点吗 different identities such as experts of color, women, or trans-scholars? 请提供 具体的例子.
  • 你是否觉得自己受到了不同的对待,不管是好是坏,是因为什么 个人身份? 请 be specific and discuss how 这 impacted your learning.
  • 在课堂上,你是否因为个人身份而感到被点名或受到批评? 请 be specific and discuss how 这 impacted your learning.
  • 教师是否使用了教学技术或其他较难的课程材料 为您访问和/或妨碍您执行课程作业或活动的能力? 请 be specific about which technologies hindered your learning.

Tips for Getting Helpful 学生的反馈

  • Provide students with information about how to give helpful 反馈. CETL创造了 a 学生须知 that you can use in your 课程.
  • 与学生讨论课程反馈的重要性,以及你如何利用反馈来 改进课程.
  • 确保学生的评价是匿名的,不会影响他们的成绩.
  • 提醒学生,你在寻找诚实和直接的反馈,具体的 例子 of their learning and experience.
  • 描述你在课程评估中寻找的信息类型.


有时,传统的课程评估不能为教师提供深入的信息 皇冠app安卓下载安装学生的学习和课堂环境,使之难以使 适当的改变. Face-to-Face 反馈 provides students an opportunity to engage 讨论课程content、组织、资源和教学实践 这为教师提供了制定课程和教学的有用信息 changes to enhance learning for future semesters.

How does face-to-face 反馈 work?
  • 面对面的反馈会议是由课程讲师以外的人进行的 以帮助确保诚实的反馈. A 反馈 session is scheduled for 20-25 minutes at the end of a course session, either in-person or online. 这堂课可以 由导师选择,但应在期末考试前两周内举行 周. 
  • 在评估讨论中,引导者会问学生一些具体的问题 to course content, materials, and teaching. Instructors will provide these questions one 周 prior to the evaluation. The facilitator will ask appropriate follow-up questions 更深入地探究答案. 
  • 在面对面的反馈会议之后,教师会收到一份讨论报告 the questions and major themes from the session.