

Courses proposed for inclusion in the AY 24-25 catalog must reach the LAC stage of 到2023年11月1日.

LAC Course Approvals are conducted through the catalog/curriculum workflow following the same general procedures as 所有 other curriculum approvals. 更多皇冠app安卓下载安装 UNC's curriculum approval process are available on the Provost Website 在这里. More information on the technical aspects of using the Curriculum Workflow is available 在注册处网站 在这里. Courses proposed for inclusion in the LAC must reach the 文理委员会 stage of the curriculum workflow by November 1 to be considered for the following academic 年目录.

To be included in the Liberal 艺术 Curriculum, a course must fulfill the Learning 六个LAC之一的结果 类别. 艺术课程 & 人文、历史和社会 & 行为科学类别 may also request an 国际 Studies (IS) or Multicultural Studies (MS) 名称. Learning outcomes for the 类别 and 名称 can be found 在这里 .


  • 满足所有的要求 董事会的政策 2-3-501课程大纲.
  • 被编号为100/200(较低级别)级别
  • 至少每两年提供一次
  • 可重复获得学分(e).g.,可能不是可变标题课程)
  • carry gtPathways status (this is automatic所有y secured during the curriculum approval process; the provost office forwards 所有 approved LAC courses to the CDHE for listing 在gtPathways网站上下载).


  • LAC类别提交
    1. 准备一个满足要求的教学大纲 所有 gtP/LAC教学大纲的要求. 所需的元素被可视化地布置出来 在提供的模板中. 请参阅下面的示例模板.  所需的元素也包括在所有的样本教学大纲. 请看下面的教学大纲样本. 按gtP如下 必须 被列入教学大纲.
      • The statement, “The Colorado Commission on Higher Education has approved [Course prefix, number] for inclusion in the Guaranteed 转移 (GT) Pathways program in the [GT-@@#] 类别.  For transferring students, successful completion with a minimum C‒ grade guarantees transfer and application of credit in this GT Pathways 类别.  更多的 有关GT路径计划的信息,请访问 http://highered.colorado.gov/academics/transfers/gtpathways/curriculum.html
      • The GT Pathways content criteria, competencies, and SLOs (need to be verbatim.)
    2. Per UNC LAC requirements, to be approved the syllabus 必须 provide course mapping. Course mapping refers to indicating (mapping) the connections between the required gtP slo和课程材料/课程内容. 整合提供的模板 有办法吗. 请参阅下面的示例模板和示例教学大纲 .

    3. Prepare the appropriate form in the catalog/curriculum workflow
      • 使用一个 新课程 form if the course does 不 already appear in undergraduate catalog
      • 使用一个 修改后的课程 form if the course appears in the catalog but does 不 have LAC status
      • Be sure to check 'Yes' in the 文理委员会 Review area at the end of the form. This will ensure your form is routed to the LAC 后 it has secured approval by the 学院院长.
    4. 通过工作流程监控表单的进度.
  • 是否/MS指定提交

    For a course to be considered for IS (international Studies) or MS (Multicultural Studies) 指定, t在这里 are additional submission requirements. 如果课程 is 不 already in the Liberal 艺术 Curriculum, complete the 以上LAC类别提交流程 and then also include/or if seeking to add the IS or MS 指定 to a course that 已具有LAC状态使用a 修改后的 课程表格,并包括以下内容.

    1. IS或MS能力陈述
    2. 选择IS或MS SLOs
    3. 课程到这些slo的映射.
    4. IS or MS Assessment chart added as an attached document in the LAC Supporting Documentation 新的或修改的课程表格部分.

    The assessment chart aligns course content and identifies the data collection tool/course-embedded assignment that will be used to assess student work related to chosen IS/MS SLOs. This chart may be incorporated into your syllabus as a way to show course mapping, 但这种合并并不是必需的.

    See provided templates, sample assessment charts, and sample syllabi below for guidance and suggestions for how to construct a syllabus that will be approved for desired 指定.

  • 最后期限
    • Course proposals may be submitted to the catalog/curriculum workflow at any time 但必须在11月1日前进入LAC理事会阶段 to guarantee consideration for the upcoming academic 年目录.
      • All courses that reach the Council by November 1 will receive a vote before the end 秋季学期.
      • If the Council votes to deny the course proposal, the unit will be provided with advice 皇冠app安卓下载安装如何修改和重新提交. 但是,重新提交的需求通常会减少 至少延迟一学年批准.
      • To increase the likelihood of approval, units are strongly encouraged to ask the appropriate 文科课程类别委员会 to review their syllabus and assessment/alignment chart (if needed) prior to formal 工作流中的提交.
    • LAC截止日期 学院院长阶段的目录/课程工作流程. 提交者应该工作 with the office of their 学院院长 to 所有ow sufficient time for the course to be 由学院课程委员会及院长审阅.
    • 如果一个新课程是 拒绝了 by the Council, units may still request that the course move forward for inclusion 在即将到来的年度目录中没有LAC状态.
    • 达到LAC阶段的课程 the November 1 deadline will be considered for the next available catalog (likely 提交后两年).

    NOTE: Courses that do 不 receive full LAC approval by the December 31st curriculum deadline will automatic所有y roll to the next curriculum cycle. 这些课程, as well as courses that have been denied for inclusion in the LAC, may still appear in the course catalog, be used to fulfill non-LAC requirements, and serve as university-wide 选修课.



Faculty may wish to include any or 所有 of the University's recommended syllabus statements. To ensure accurate and consistent messaging about UNC policies and student-support services, faculty are encouraged to use the statements found on the CETL syllabus statements page, or simply include the link to the page on their syllabi and course 网站.