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俱乐部 in World Languages and Cultures

Calling all language students!

Joining one of our clubs is a great opportunity to interact with classmates, native speakers and faculty from your program! Practice your language skills, have fun and celebrate culture with a variety of meetings and activities throughout the year. 俱乐部 that our students join include: 中国人 Culture Club, French Club, German Club, 日本 Culture and Anime Club and 日本 Language Club.

For more information on clubs at UNC, please visit the 俱乐部 & Organizations website.

  • 中国人 Culture Club

    中国人 Culture Club

    The 中国人 Culture Club is an opportunity for students to practice their Mandarin, have fun, and celebrate 中国人 culture. The club meets every Wednesday from 4:30 到下午6点.m. at Kohl House, the office of APASS and NASS (located at 924 20th Street).

    访问 中国人 Culture Club on 脸谱网

    Activities Include:

    • 中国人 games
    • 中国人 films
    • 中国人 Hair Night
    • 烹饪
    • Immersion Weekend in Breckenridge
    • Prepping for Lunar New Year banquet
    • 中国人 Karaoke


    • President - Reese Visser
    • Officer - Lian Ogawa
    • 教师 Advisor - Michelle Low
  • 日本 Culture and Anime Club

    日本 Culture and Anime Club

    Throughout the year, the 日本 Culture and Anime Club participates in a variety of university-wide activities.

    In the fall, there is the annual Taste of APASS, where student clubs make and serve a variety of authentic Asian foods from different countries.

    Every winter, the 中国人 Culture Club and 日本 Culture and Anime Club work with other clubs and student services on campus to bring the Annual Lunar New Year Celebration UNC. The celebration begins with a Carnival, and follows with a banquet and entertainment full of Lunar New Year traditions. 

    访问 日本 Culture & Anime Club on 脸谱网

    Learn more at Asian Pacific American Student Services (APASS).

  •  日本 Language Club

    日本 Language Club

    Be a part of the on-campus 日本 community by joining the 日本 Language Club. 每一个人 是受欢迎的! Improve speaking and listening skills by participating in regular kaiwa (conversation) groups. Meet native speakers and explore various topics, including reading, writing, culture, arts, history, social studies, literature, film and many other issues relating to Japan.

    Regular meetings are held Mondays from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Kohl House, the office of APASS and NASS (located at 924 20th Street). Special events and celebrations take place on and off-campus throughout the year. For more information, please contact Caroline Wake.

    访问 日本 Language Club on 脸谱网

  • 西班牙语

    Sigma Delta Pi

    The National Collegiate Hispanic Honorary Society is a non-profit organization whose mission is to honor those who attain excellence in the study of the 西班牙语 language and in the study of literature and culture of 西班牙语-speaking people. 

    教师 Advisor:  Enrique Bernales Albites

    Learn more about Sigma Delt Pi