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石棉 Awareness 

石棉 was widely used in building materials from around the 1940's to the early 1980's and since many University buildings were constructed during that time, asbestos management is a major program 在校园. 石棉 is a serious health hazard commonly found in our environment today.  It is important for employees who work in buildings that may contain asbestos to know where it is likely to be found and how to avoid accidentally disturbing the material.

的 University of Northern Colorado 石棉 Management Program is overseen by the Environmental Health and 安全 Department (EHS). 的 石棉 Management Program operates with the following objectives:

  • Reduce/eliminate the risk associated with asbestos.
  • Educate and assist UNC personnel, students, contractors, and visitors regarding asbestos.
  • Ensure compliance with applicable regulations and laws.

Awareness 资源


的 Environmental Health and 安全 Department has produced a database that contains a comprehensive inventory of all asbestos containing materials (ACM) in most facilities 在校园. 的 following departments currently have access to this database:

  • Environmental Health and 安全
  • Facilities Management
  • Housing and Residential Education
  • Information Management and Technology
  • Planning and Construction

To register for access to the database, please call (970) 351-1149. For additional information contact the Facilities Management Service Center at (970) 351-2446.