

Prateek Dutta

Prateek Dutta ’08 EdLD, Political Science. 伍迪·迈尔斯摄.



皇冠app官方版下载受托人Shashwata Prateek Dutta BS 08, EdLD,相信教育的重要性 作为社会流动性的推动者——这是他在自己的旅程中经历过的 成功. 

那是2008年,卡特里娜飓风(Hurricane Katrina)的洪水重塑了纽市(New city)的三年后 奥尔良. Prateek Dutta had recently graduated from the 北科罗拉多大学 拥有政治学学位的他加入了“为美国而教”,面对的是一间教室 六年级学生. He had arrived in that classroom after his own journey through the education system with a sense of understanding and wanting to make 不同. 

“为美国而教”的重点是教育公平,有一批勇于承担责任的领导人 教了两年书.   

他和他的同事们努力向学生灌输大学的重要性 但我发现,虽然很多学生继续上学,但也有很多人没有,这很重要 他想要改变.  

“我对大学充满热情,因为它是一种手段,可以帮助人们实现最终目标 making sure they have the tools to go up the economic ladder. 我觉得教育是 the best means to do that, or the fastest way to do that.” 

It’s a belief rooted in his life experiences.  

Dutta’s parents grew up in East Pakistan, which is now Bangladesh. “那时, the United Nations called it the poorest place in the world,” Dutta 说. “我爸爸的 dream was to come to the United States to study, which is what happened. 他得到了一个 student visa and went to school in Boston.”  

他的父亲把他的母亲带到波士顿,杜塔和他的妹妹出生在那里. 他的父亲获得了经济学博士学位,是一名教授,但不是语言教授 barriers became an obstacle to teaching. With no job, and unable to pay the bills, the family made the painful decision to leave the U.S. 搬到印度加尔各答 where they remained until Dutta was about eight years old.  

“那时,我的父母决定再给美国梦一个机会 机会. So, they basically looked at a map of the United States and said, ‘Colorado 看起来是个可以重新开始的地方.’ They got two suitcases, changed their currency — the rupees changed to about $40 — and came to Denver,” Dutta 说. 

因为他不会说英语,杜塔被安排在英语作为第二语言的学校 (ESL) classroom where most students spoke Spanish. “Teachers had a hard time interacting with me 
for a bulk of my elementary and middle school,” 
he remembers.  

学习上的差距变成了鸿沟. By high school he was far behind academically, with grades that he knew would make entry into a four-year university impossible. 他开始 applying to community colleges, but 说 UNC was his dream school.  

“我见过皇冠app官方版下载皇冠app官方版下载主任,他告诉了我的成绩和考试成绩 didn’t cut it, but they’d see what they could do.”  

Dutta applied, and was accepted on the condition he take summer classes.  

皇冠app官方版下载是唯一一所给了我机会的大学,所以我永远感激. 它改变了我的人生轨迹因为没有被皇冠app官方版下载录取,老实说 don’t know what I would’ve done,” he 说. 

Getting to UNC was just part of the battle.  

“我远远落后了. Everything took so much longer for me. 这不是一个悲伤的故事 只是现实. My favorite place in the entire campus was Michener 图书馆. 我喜欢它. I used to go to Starbucks, get a massive cup of coffee, and from 
7 p.m. to midnight, I would stay in that library and study every night.” 

弗里茨·费舍尔帮助了他 成功. 

“He was an incredible force for my life. He made teaching fun and engaging, and I think one of the reasons I applied to Teach for America was because of his class. 我上过他皇冠app安卓下载安装越南战争的课,我记得当时我在想‘他怎么能做出来 如此复杂,如此迷人?’”  

当时,杜塔并不确定自己想要什么样的职业生涯,但根据他的经验 在学校里,他知道他想帮助那些被忽视或被边缘化的学生.  

“我申请了‘为美国而教’,我被录取了,然后我被安排在新奥尔良. 我就是这样开始教书的.” 

在新奥尔良,杜塔开始感到他的努力正在为短期带来改变 是学期,但不是长期的,尽管他很喜欢和学生们一起工作 there, he decided to take his own education a step further.  

“我意识到,无论我在课堂上做了多少功课,总有一些其他的事情 powerful societal forces that kept putting students in a different trajectory. 我意识到 我需要更多的技能,对政策和政治有更好的理解,才能真正做出决定 不同. 所以我才去读研究生.” 

他被哈佛大学的教育学博士项目录取 领导.  

“说实话,在我被哈佛大学录取之前的10年里,我一直在努力从高中毕业. 和 so obviously there’s a lot of feeling of, ‘do I belong?“我在那里做得很好,但是 我不像皇冠app官方版下载那样喜欢它. I never felt that sense of home that UNC brings. 我拿到了学位,我很高兴我拿到了,但是把它和我在皇冠app官方版下载的经历相比 只是日夜兼程,”杜塔说. “I will put our UNC professors and our students against Harvard students and faculty any day of the week. 但毫无疑问,我有更好的 experience at UNC than I did at Harvard.” 

他完成了博士学位,并觉得与其在体制内工作,不如 could do more outside the system, advocating for change. 他回到了丹佛 became the Colorado policy director for Democrats for Education Reform (DFER). 

“教育改革民主党之所以成立,是因为民主党在历史上 我一直在推动一系列问题的公平,但在教育方面, sometimes the party has defended the status quo. 我们的组织致力于推动两者的发展 政治和政策向前推进,确保所有学生都能接受高质量的教育.”  

对杜塔来说,他作为学生、教师和倡导者的岁月已经向他证明了这一点的重要性 有

“我知道老师和学校对某些人的期望很低是什么感觉 学生群体. When you hold students to high standards, they’ll always meet 他们.” 

Low expectations, he asserts, are a veiled form of racism. 的积极影响 对学生寄予厚望是他作为一名教师的亲身经历 在新奥尔良帮助低收入家庭的学生,帮助他们应对巨大的困难 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. When taught with high expectations, they 成功ed.  
 直到成为一名学生,杜塔才有机会在学校取得成功 他带来了这些经验,加上教学、研究生工作和 his work for DFER — to a new role at UNC.  

2020年1月,科罗拉多州州长贾里德·波利斯任命杜塔任期三年 作为皇冠app官方版下载的受托人. He is attuned to concerns about inequity in higher education in addition to his focus on K-12 education. 

“Higher education is not absolved from inequity. We’ve done a really good job of decreasing high school dropout rates across the country. But what we have not done is decrease 大学辍学者. The majority of low-income students that go into college, drop out; the majority of Black students and Latino students that go to college drop out. 和 they have nothing but debt after they’ve dropped out. 这是不可接受的. 我们需要 做点什么. All higher education institutions, including UNC,” Dutta 说. 

作为一名受托人,他认为皇冠app官方版下载面临着多重挑战——包括留住学生 毕业率. 和 while he has high expectations for students, he also has high expectations for his alma mater and its ability to address those challenges. 

“我们必须提高入学率和保有率,同时缩小成绩差距 毕业和留校的差距. 我们的新战略计划—— 划船,不要漂流 —  creates a roadmap on how to overcome these challenges and make UNC stronger. 大多数 重要的是,该战略计划确保我校更加以学生为中心 has a more coherent student support system,” he 说. “我认为我们有一个很好的机会 招收那些可能来自贫困家庭的学生,并真正推动他们 他们进入了中产阶级和上层阶级. UNC’s mission, I would say, is to be an engine 的股权. 和 to really be a driver of social mobility.”


Social Mobility and Higher Education Rankings 

正如许多未来的大学生会告诉你的那样,大学和学院是有排名的 在许多不同的方面——学生与教师的比例,学校的捐赠规模, cost of tuition and even the number of students turned away. 

衡量一所学校是否有能力解决公平问题,并帮助学生攀登社会的阶梯 经济阶梯是 社会流动指数 (重度). According to the SMI website, “A high SMI ranking means that a college is 以负责任的方式为解决经济衰退的危险问题作出贡献 我们国家的流动性.”

学院和大学的SMI排名是根据五个变量计算得出的 学费,家庭收入低于48K美元(略低于)的学生比例 美国中位数),毕业率,毕业后大约5年的工资中位数, and the size of the school’s endowment.

在SMI排名的近1500所学院和大学中,皇冠app官方版下载在科罗拉多州排名第一 (领先于科罗拉多州立大学普韦布洛分校和科罗拉多州立大学柯林斯堡分校), 和286 整体.

这对学生来说意味着什么? “If a student wants to pursue academics in an institution 作为意识和公民责任的典范,SMI可以提供有价值的指导,” SMI组织说. “In the end, the greatest returns to self from work, academic or otherwise, come from delivering benefits to family, nation, and our world. 家庭 理解这一点的学生想要更有效率地晋升到 social and economic influence in our country will gravitate to high SMI schools.”