
      学术顾问       教室的工具     学术支持计划

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学位工作 & 度计划

学位工作是一个基于网络的学位审核程序,用于监控学生的学习进度 通过与Banner同步. Advisors explain 学位工作 to students while helping them 每学期计划他们的课程.


  • Only one Active Plan is allowed per student
    • 学生将有一个活动计划.  
      • May have multiple inactive plans if needed.
    • If a student is pursuing multiple majors, minors, etc.,活动计划包括课程 每个学术追求和毕业要求的程序(s) 研究.  

    探索专业: Ensure degree plans are maintained for all Exploring majors. 我们会建造 “meta major exploring templates” over the course of AY 23/24. 

    双专业首席顾问将相互协调,以检查准确性和可操作性 of semester plan BEFORE advising season begins. 

    Minor and Certificate Program Advising:专业指导老师将制定专业毕业计划,并添加辅修课程和/或 小占位符.  顾问警告: 如果你不熟悉辅修课程,请添加到学生的学位计划中 在添加占位符之前,请与副顾问联系,以便立即进行咨询.  

    *当学生换专业时,导师会为他们制定新的学位计划 由他们自行决定. They should de-activate earlier plans, but they should not delete them, as these inactive plans will still be used for data collection purposes.

  • 活动计划将被锁定

    Each Active Plan will be locked by the respective advisor.  不活跃的计划仍可 be locked but will not be used in “on - track/off - track monitoring” data pulls. 

    Only advisors will have the privilege to lock/unlock plans. IMT将运行一个脚本 检查锁定的和活动的计划,并且只允许活动的计划 locked; everything else will be unlocked. This practice will run on a schedule and 需要时按需提供.  

  • Standardization of usage and practices in naming conventions

    顾问在输入LAC课程时将使用预填充占位符功能 recommendation(s) into student degree plans.

    指导老师也只会对指定的课程使用“关键”指标 in that semester for timely degree completion. 顾问将创造“关键” distinction, not managed centrally by the office of the registrar.

    代替关键指标,顾问可以在课程上使用“笔记”功能 卡. Major and university wide elective choices will also be documented the same 通过占位符课程卡.

  • 定期审查计划的时间安排

    Advisors will review the current term and two subsequent registration 条款.

    • Deadlines for reviewing the accuracy of Degree Plans:
      • November 30th for current fall semester plan & 课程
      • April 30th for current spring semester plan & 课程
      • Pre-spring registration for subsequent fall semester plans
      • Pre-fall registration for subsequent spring semester plans
      • 12月31日前更新中期课程,12月31日前更新暑期课程 7月31日前

    学位规划师课程数据将在12月和5月的第一个星期一发布 支援各书院及学术单位的课程管理工作.  


导航是教育咨询委员会(EAB)的一个基于网络的工具,它允许顾问 记录外展,查看支持历史,并审查数据以做出明智的决定 论学生的成功. Coordinated and informed approaches to supporting students reflect 2030年战略计划,在使用工具连接的同时成为“学生至上”的校园 & 与顾问一起庆祝. 


  • 访问导航平台 

    EAB导航在工具中识别不同的“角色”,这取决于您的工作 责任. If you are interested in how these roles are determined, please 联系 斯蒂芬妮.torrez@bukatara.com.

    • 在入职期间,所有具有Banner Advisor访问权限的教师都被添加到导航中 过程.
      适当时给予专业工作人员顾问和支助专家接触的机会 他们的工作职能. To request access to the platform, they must submit an SSC 通过OnBase浏览安全表单.
    • 学生不能访问导航,也不会看到你的笔记或活动 input unless they work as student employees and require a limited access role.
      • 所有学生都可以安排约会、回复电子邮件和回复短信 由顾问通过平台发送.


  • 数据及更新

    The data in Navigate is refreshed each night and syncs to our Banner system.

    • 导航显示学生的专业,辅修,任何持有,以及课程安排 联系信息.
    • 由顾问创建的笔记和约会报告可以立即在 学生的历史.

    Navigate基于同步数据为学生的成功提供预测分数. UNC uses a persistence model to predict the likelihood of a student to persist to 下一项.  As an advisor, you can see a low, medium, or high support indicator to help you identify student performance and adjust outreach practices. 

    Low/Green = low level need for added support

    High/Red = high level need for added support

    支助水平指标旨在为外联和干预运动提供信息 to those who would most benefit from additional support.

  • 培训及支援 

    EAB导航帮助中心也是一个很好的提示和教程资源 点击“?” in the top right corner when you’re logged into the platform.

    Advisors and appropriate support staff can complete a self-paced training in the 本科生咨询画布壳 EAB导航. 培训内容包括:

    • 平台特性概述
    • How to Input and View Notes and Reports
    • Advanced Uses for Retention and Success Strategies

    你也可以从 皇冠app官方版下载校园顾问指南.

  • 类别和标签
  • 错误和故障排除

    If you encounter technical difficulties with the platform, please submit a 技术支持中心客票.

    在您的票中,提供您试图加载的页面及其性质的详细信息 皇冠app安卓下载安装这个问题.


皇冠app官方版下载使用中期进度报告来确定可能在学业上有困难的学生 他们的课程指导他们到顾问和教师谁可以给他们及时的帮助 和方向. Around the 5th week of classes, the AVP for 学生学业成就 会发送反馈请求吗.  

反馈请求通过电子邮件发送给教师,并附有一个列表的超链接 of students preselected by students’ respective college advising/success centers. 教师可以限制他们的反馈给名单上有困难的学生 and to specify the reason for concern (e.g.,旷课过多. 失败的测试等.).  

  • 学生选择

    What if there is a concern about a student who isn’t on the 列表? 有一个选项,提供反馈的学生的名字没有提供 列表. 提交反馈请求会向教师/讲师发送一封感谢电子邮件 并邀请分享其他未包括在内的关注学生 原始列表.  

    Who selects the students included in the 请求反馈? 大学咨询和成功中心选择包括在教师/讲师中的学生 请求反馈. Students are included on the 列表 for various reasons, and advising/success 鼓励中心领导利用数据来选择学生. 这名学生被列入名单可能是因为他们已经注册了一所学校 或者更多历史上DFW率高的课程,或者这个学生正在参加 在一个需要学期中期课程登记作为资助的项目中. 即使指导老师最关心的是一门或两门课程,学生也要注册 for, the platform is set up to include all their classes.  

  • 顾问/成功教练干预 

    一旦报告提交,学生的指导老师/成功教练会分享这些信息 和学生一起. In cases where faculty/instructors provide student feedback that 包括健康和保健问题,顾问/成功教练或AVP的学生 学术成功与教师/指导员协调,提交学生院长 SOC推荐.  

  • 预期的结果 

    及时的教师反馈和顾问的干预对皇冠app官方版下载的学生产生了积极的影响 保留. The progress report intervention is designed to leverage academic advisers’ 学业成功教练与学生的关系确保学生留在学校 track by addressing issues before they become too serious.  

  • 进度报告活动 & 干预时间轴 

    反馈请求活动在秋季和春季的第5周左右发出 条款. Faculty/Instructors teaching full-term 课程 will have approximately five 提供反馈的几周时间. Advisers and success coaches will check for new submissions 每天.  

    Weekly reminder emails are sent to faculty who have yet to submit feedback. 早期 feedback provides students with the greatest opportunity for improvement. 



The 咨询中心 provides information for students, advisors, and support people. 您可以查看策略,访问目录的快捷方式,并查找常见问题的答案 advising and student success questions. The primary site is student-facing, so you can feel confident sending the link to your advisees.



我们鼓励顾问更新他们在NACADA四个能力领域的知识 by completing the annual training through Canvas. 内容与活动相关 所需的关系、概念、信息和技术能力 有效的建议实务.



顾问也应利用教与学中心的专业发展 opportunities to grow their practice and awareness of academics at UNC. 



人力资源通过领英学习和LinkedIn提供专业发展 学习流. 访问 the workshop calendar for high-level opportunities from HR.


Professional Advisor Shared Statement of Practice:

UNC professional advisors and coaches provide ho列表ic, inclusive support helping 学生们在学校里穿行,通过建筑来实现他们的学术和个人目标 meaningful relationships and enacting intentional advising practices. 我们的建议 practices prioritize equity and inclusion to serve as a welcoming and brave space 支持所有皇冠app官方版下载的学生. Advisors attend at least two events focused on IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism) EACH semester to align with UNC的社区原则.