
Experiential Pre-Professional Training

Our bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences 和 障碍 provides you with extraordinary learning opportunities 和 exceptional pre-professional preparation. 你将与 faculty who st和 at the forefront of research 和 clinical practice, while observing clinical practice in our on-campus Speech-Language Pathology 和 听力学 Clinic. 

UNC’s Communication Sciences 和 障碍 program has a widespread reputation for 卓越. This pre-professional degree will prepare you to apply to graduate programs in audiology, speech language 病理, gerontology, special education, rehabilitation counseling 和 other related fields.


B.S. in Communication Sciences 和 障碍

The bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences 和 障碍 offers a pre-professional education, preparing you for graduate studies 和 subsequent 认证 as speech-language 病理学家或听力学家. You’ll study the physical, neurological 和 developmental factors that influence communication, acquiring in-depth knowledge about speech 和 language formation as well as auditory perception. The program also covers a wide range of communication disorders 和 treatment approaches, while introducing you to technical instrumentation 和 clinical practice.


你的未来 in Communication Sciences 和 障碍

美国皇冠app安卓下载安装 & 世界报道 recently listed both audiologist 和 speech-language pathologist among its 25 best 职业发展机会. The growth of America's elderly population, coupled with new technologies 和 treatment options for hearing loss 和 speech-language disorders, has led to an increasing dem和 for trained professionals in these fields. 这个程序 also serves as an excellent pathway to graduate or professional schools in medicine, psychology, music, education, public health 和 rehabilitation counseling.

想想皇冠app官方版下载的B.S. in Communication Sciences 和 障碍 if you are:

  • Interested in science or a medical based profession
  • Passionate about helping people
  • Skilled at using advanced technology
  • Someone who enjoys working with diverse populations, including children, senior citizens 和 individuals with disabilities


  • Physiological 和 biological components of speech, language, hearing 和 balance
  • Normal speech 和 language development
  • Basics of clinical practice 和 instrumentation
  • 障碍, treatment/rehabilitation approaches 和 prevention strategies


  • Intro to Human Communication 和 障碍
  • 基本的听力
  • Anatomy 和 Physiology of the Speech 和 Hearing Mechanism
  • 语言发展
  • Fundamentals of Physiological 和 Biological Acoustics

Where can your degree take you?


研究生课程 in audiology 和 speech-language 病理, leading to professional 认证

Speech-language 病理 assistant

Potential employment as a speech-language 病理 assistant

Educational 和 职业发展机会

Educational opportunities in community health, education, medicine, rehabilitation, 老年学等

目前的研究 in Communication Sciences 和 障碍

凯瑟琳·布莱特博士.D., Professor, Communication Sciences & 障碍
朱莉·汉克斯《皇冠app官方版下载》.D., Associate Professor, Communication Sciences & 障碍

The Interdisciplinary Patient Simulation Academy (IPSA) lets you try your h和 at working with "patients" in the classroom. Developed by UNC faculty members Bright 和 Hanks along with faculty in other health-related majors this groundbreaking program enables students to evaluate the symptoms of patients who are portrayed by actors from UNC's award-winning theatre department. The IPSA employs medical school teaching concepts 和 techniques, enabling undergraduate 和 graduate students to improve their diagnostic accuracy, patient-practitioner communication 和 interprofessional collaboration.


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