



人文学院 & 社会科学


(970) 351-2195
Tues 12-1 pm, Thurs 8-9:30 am or by appointment
University 北科罗拉多
格里利,CO 80639


Ph.D. in 社会学, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

B.A. in Media Studies 和 社会学, University of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls, South 达科他

Professional/Academic Experience

研究/Areas of Interest

出版物/Creative Works


艾伦,K. R., & 亨德森,. C. (皇冠app安卓下载安装). 家庭 Theories: Foundations & 应用程序. Malden, MA: Wiley.


亨德森,.C. 2013. The Tender Cut: Inside the Hidden World of Self-Injury. 社会科学杂志, 卷50 (2),274-275.


艾伦,凯瑟琳, 安吉亨德森 米歇尔·默里. 2019. “Theoretical Approaches to Gr和parenting.用G表示r和parenting: Influences on the dynamics of family relationships. (小伯特·海斯莱普. & 拉一个. Fruhauf).  纽约:施普林格出版社.

 安吉亨德森 克里斯汀Ingoldsby & 马克Shuey.  2017. “The Hierarchy Within Women’s Sports: NARPs, No-Bow Lesbos 和 Horizontal Violence.”  in Women in Sports: Breaking Barriers, Facing Obstacles.  艾德丽安米尔纳 & Jomills Henry Braddock II.  ABC-CLIO出版商.

亨德森,.C.  2013.  “Defining Caregiving Relationships: Using Intergenerational Ambivalence Theory to Explain Burden Among Racial 和 Ethnic Groups” in More Than Blood: 今天’s Reality 和 Tomorrow’s Vision of 家庭.  Sherilyn骨髓 & 丹尼斯一.V. Leoutsakas.  Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.


凯瑟琳·艾伦. & 安吉亨德森. 2018. Writing a 家庭 Theories Textbook: A Pedagogical Praxis.  请评论, Journal of 家庭 Theory & 审查. DOI: 10.1111 / jftr.12292

 盖伊,劳伦 & 安吉亨德森. 2019. 人口贩卖 & 体育赛事.  In Global Crime: An Encyclopedia of Cyber Theft, Drug Smuggling, 人口贩卖, Weapon Sales, 和 Other Illegal Activities.  菲利普·雷切尔编辑.

 安吉亨德森桑德拉·哈蒙 & 和谐纽曼. 2016. The Price Mothers Pay, Even When They Are Not Buying It: Mental Health Consequences of Idealized Motherhood. Sex Roles: An 国际 Journal of 研究, 74: 512-526. doi: 10.1007/s11199-015-0534-5

Murdock, Jennifer, Molly Strear, Michael Jenkins-Guarnieri, 和 亨德森,. C. 2014. Collegiate Athletes 和 Career Identity. Sport, 教育 和 Society, doi: 10.1080/13573322.2014.924920

纽曼博士. 和 安吉C.亨德森.  2014. "The Modern Mystique: Organizational Enforcement of Hegemonic Motherhood" 社会学调查,84(3), 472-491.

亨德森,. C. 和詹妮弗·默多克.  2012. "Getting 学生 Beyond Ideologies: Using Heterosexist Guided Imagery in the Classroom." Innovations in Higher 教育, 37卷,第三卷.



Dr. 安吉亨德森 started as an Assistant 教授 社会学 at UNCO in 2007. She has published over 30 peer-reviewed journal articles, 4 book chapters, 和 two 合著的教科书. Dr. 亨德森 regularly teaches courses on social theory, sociological practice, sex trafficking 和 global perspectives of prostitution at the University 北科罗拉多. As part of her research, she has interviewed over 100 survivors of sexual exploitation 和 gathered data on sex buyers at both diversion programs 在被捕的时候. She has most recently presented results of this work at the United Nations’ Commission on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice in Vienna, Austria 2023年5月. In her spare time, 安吉 loves reading, hiking, boating, bird watching, 和 going to the theater 和 music concerts. She is married to her partner Shaun 和 has three hilarious, smart kiddos: Owen, Cameron 和 Cora.


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