



地理学系,GIS, & 可持续性
人文学院 & 社会科学


(970) 351-4620
Wed only 11am-12pm and by appointment. Meetings also available at downtown LINC Innovation Center.
地理学系,GIS, & 可持续性
格里利,CO 80639


Ph.D.美国亚利桑那大学地理专业 (Minor: Anthropology)
B.A., University of California, Irvine, Social Ecology (Emphasis: Criminology)



My teaching and research focuses on community resilience and adaptation in marine and agricultural communities, global environmental change, and experiential learning. With support from 富布赖特 and 的 National Endowment for 的 Humanities, I recently 出版了我的专著, “Africa’s Joola Shipwreck: Causes and Consequences of a Humanitarian Disaster,” which investigates 的 second greatest maritime shipwreck in non-wartime history, an event which led to more human losses than 的 泰坦尼克号. My book sheds light on 的 geographical forces that gave rise to 的 disaster and 苏菲教义的方式 rafet njort (beautiful optimism) defined Senegal’s resistance and recovery. 我很幸运 to have been awarded several 富布赖特 fellowships (Nepal, Mexico, Kuwait, Brazil) 以及 Council for American Overseas 研究 Senior Fellowship in order to conduct my international fieldwork. I am also privileged to have organized and led five undergraduate field expeditions courses to Iceland, Peru, Nicaragua, 尼泊尔和圭亚那. I currently serve as a Fellow of 的 探险家俱乐部,英国皇家地理学会, 两家公司都有董事会成员 富布赖特 科罗拉多和 女性地理学家协会s. I am a first generation scholar, long distance runner, writer, and mom.


凯伦·萨曼莎·巴顿. 2021.  Africa’s Greatest Shipwreck: Causes and Consequences of a Humanitarian Disaster. 列克星敦: 马里兰州Landam. (2021年1月15日,罗曼 & Littlefield印记).

巴顿,K. 2021. “Disease Discourses, African Knowledge Systems, and COVID-19 in Senegal.”” In Francis Egbokhare and Adeshina Afolayan (eds), The Humanities and Global Health: Perspectives, Challenges, and Possibilities (皇冠app安卓下载安装).

巴顿,K. 2021.  谁建造了沙漠? Exploring Guest Worker Migration, 资源, and  Julian Agyeman’s “Just” 可持续性 in 的 Arabian Gulf.  in 社会问题教学手册, eds. (Evans, Ronald), 2nd edition, Information Age Publishing  (皇冠app安卓下载安装).

巴顿,K. 2021. “Couriers of Change: The Semiotics of Senegalese Postage Stamps.” 在“年代tamps, Nationalism, and Political Transition. (ed. 斯坦利·布隆). 纽约:泰勒 & 弗朗西斯(皇冠app安卓下载安装中)

巴顿,K. 2021.  环境 and Climate Refugees in West Africa.第四章(页). 36-50) in 全球移民百科全书. (ed. 教皇,C.). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, forthcoming (皇冠app安卓下载安装).

巴顿,K. 2020. “地理、伊斯兰教和非洲.” 第八章(页). 133-148) in Palgrave Handbook on Islam in Africa. (Falola T.库尔菲,M. 和F. 恩戈姆,帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦.

巴顿,K. 2019. An African Teaching Module: Using Stereotypes and Shipwrecks to Refine 学生’ Knowledge of People and Place. 地理老师. http://doi.org/10.1080/19338341.2019.1579106

克莱恩,P.巴顿,英国., Salo, J.李,J. 和T. Vowles. 2019. Conveying Geographic Concepts Through Issues Based Inquiry. In Handbook for Teaching and Learning in 地理位置 (eds. 沃克顿、希尔和戴尔出版社).  纽约:爱德华·埃尔加出版社.

巴顿,2018.  Guyana’s Linden-Le的m Road:  A Metaphor for Conservation and Development.  专注地理. 卷61.  http://focusongeography.org/publications/photoessays/guyana/index.html

巴顿,K. 2017. Exploring 的 Benefits of Field Trips in a Food 地理位置 Class. 地理杂志. 116: 6 (pp. 237-249).

巴顿,K. 2017. The Geographical Dimensions of Africa’s Greatest Shipwreck.  专注地理. DOI: 10.21690 / foge / 2016.60.4

巴顿,K. 2012. Nor的rn Colorado's Millennial Generation: Perceptions of Nature, 社会与科技. 地理杂志 111: 6 (pp. 213-223).

巴顿,K.  & C.  柯林斯. 2011.  代地理位置. 第六章中 21世纪地理手册st 世纪, Sage Publications (Stoltman, J, ed.).

Conway-Gomez K.巴顿,英国.王,M.魏,D.汉密尔顿,M。.和金斯兰,M. 2010. 人口 & natural resources conceptual framework: How does population growth affect 资源的可用性? 在索伦,M.克莱恩,P., Muñiz-Solari, O.雷, W., eds., AAG Center for Global 地理位置 教育. 可以从 http://globalgeography.亚美大陆煤层气有限公司.org.


2021 富布赖特 Hays Fellowship, Mexico, Department of 教育.
2019 富布赖特 Core Fellowship, Yezin Agricultural University, Burma-Myanmar.
2019年UNC HSS学院学者奖.
2018 National Council for Geographic 教育 Distinguished Teaching Award.
2018 Sears Helgoth Distinguished Teaching Award.
2018 Council for American Overseas 研究/National Endowment for 的 Humanities 高级研究员奖学金,塞内加尔.
2018 Ambassador’s Distinguished Scholars Program, Ethiopia.
2018 富布赖特 Specialist Award, Institute for Crisis Management, Kathmandu, Nepal.
2016 富布赖特 Teaching/研究 Core Fellowship Burma-Myanmar.
2016 富布赖特 Hays Seminars Abroad Fellowship, Senegal.
2012 UNC Engaged 研究 Scholar Award.
2012 UNC Diversity in 的 Classroom Award.
2011 UNC Provost Excellence in Teaching Award.
2010 UNC Humanities/社会科学 Excellence in Teaching Award.
2010 富布赖特-Hays Seminars Abroad Fellowship (Qatar, UAE, Kuwait).
2010 Mortar Board Favorite 教授 Award.
2010 UNC Disability Resource Center Award.
2007 富布赖特-Hays Seminars Abroad Fellowship (Brazil).