

In the Spring 2021 semester the 研究生院 introduced new recognition for doctoral 取得博士学位的学生. 博士奖学金是为了表彰 excellence in research promise as students enter the final phase of their doctoral 程序. The award consists of a stipend and full tuition waiver to allow awardees to focus on completing their dissertation work and their final document.



  • 表演与视觉艺术学院,音乐:声音表演博士.A. 程序与 音乐理论的次要重点
  • 导师:Melissa Malde博士.M.A.
  • Dissertation Title: “Ici on Chante en Français: Giving a Voice to Cajun Culture”

泰埃斯皮诺萨 is currently on staff at Front Range Community College where she directs the choir and teaches private voice, music appreciation and music theory. 她是一个 路易斯安那人,有卡津血统.

Tessa’s initial project involved interviewing Cajun people from Pierre Part, Lousiana, 把他们唱的民歌抄写给我听. 在这个项目中,她注意到 that it was male driven after interviewing Mona Dugas and hearing her experiences 作为表演者和词曲作者.

The focus of Tessa’s project has shifted to include women’s contribution to the research of Cajun music and culture and to include Mona Dugas’ personal Cajun songs that have 以前从未被转录过.



  • 自然与健康科学学院生物教育学博士.D. 程序
  • 导师:尼古拉斯·普伦博士.D.
  • Dissertation Title: “Characterizing the Proinflammatory Role of Mast Cells Outside 变态反应-训练免疫和非典型激活"

David’s research aims to describe non-allergic stimulation of mast cells in an effort to characterize mast cells as potent inflammatory regulators throughout the body. Mast cells are of particular interest in this model because these immune cells (unlike most other immune cell types) are present in virtually all tissues in the body and mast cells in different tissues behave differently from one another

David’s work builds on preliminary data generated in mentor Nicholas Pullen’s lab 在大卫加入实验室之前. 肥大细胞通常被认为是免疫细胞 只介导过敏反应. 早期实验研究了一种免疫抑制细胞因子 哪一种通常会降低免疫细胞的功能. 然而,初步数据表明 a stimulatory effect of this protein on mast cells, suggesting that there was a way mast cells could be activated and induce inflammation outside of allergic 反应. This finding led David down the path of understanding how mast cells can elicit inflammatory 以一种新的方式与其他免疫细胞反应和协调.

David’s work demonstrates that mast cells have multiple pathways of activation that 与典型的过敏激活途径不同吗. 每条通路都对 different stimuli and utilizes different receptors signaling pathways to elicit their 反应.

David’s model depicts the mast cell as the “lynchpin” of tissue inflammation. 下 this new paradigm of non-allergic mast cell activation, mast cells are now implicated in the pathogenesis of various chronic inflammatory diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease and even cancer (mast cells were originally discovered around a breast 癌症肿瘤). By targeting mast cell activity, this would stop an inflammatory “vicious 肥大细胞能够以局部方式引发的周期.

By understanding how mast cells can potentially induce pathogenic inflammation in 疾病状态,David和Dr. 普伦希望开发出一种治疗方法 to target the mast cells to inhibit a source of tissue resident inflammation.

Preventing/reducing this initial inflammation is critical to reshaping the tissue environment to limit the involvement of other immune cells which typically will exacerbate the inflammation and tissue damage in an attempt to protect the body. 这种方法 will limit tissue damage to the host and can promote a “proper” immune response in 病原体的存在

David was born and raised in Arizona before moving to 科罗拉多州 to attend grad school 在UNC. He graduated from the University of Arizona with an undergraduate degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology as well as a degree in Japanese Language. 大卫学习 我在日本呆了一年.



  • College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Counseling Psychology Ph.D. 程序
  • 导师:斯蒂芬·赖特,博士.D.
  • Dissertation Title: “Post 9/11 Military Spouse Caregivers: A Descriptive Phenomenological 研究”

艾琳·麦克沃伊(艾琳McEvoy)是咨询心理学博士学位的五年级学生.D. 程序. 她 is currently on internship with the Cheyenne Veterans Affairs Healthcare System in 怀俄明州南部和科罗拉多州北部. 她目前的实习重点是循证研究 practices for PTSD and SUDs (substance use disorders) doing individual and group therapy, 与所有服务领域的退伍军人进行咨询和评估. 

Erin’s research interests are focused on issues facing the military and veteran community 以及他们的家人. Her dissertation is a qualitative phenomenological study of military spouses who become caregivers for their service member partners injured in the post-9/11 服务的时代. The aim of the study was to center the voices of military spouse caregivers to provide helping professionals, policymakers and American citizens with explanations of the barriers to care these individuals face and how best to support them.

A social justice perspective was taken throughout the research process, amplifying the voices of the participants and focusing on what they believe are the issues they 面对和支持是最适合他们的吗. 艾琳雇佣了一个半结构化的 interviews with spouses, focused on the identity transformation from military spouse 对照顾者. The data were analyzed using a descriptive phenomenological approach.

Erin is the spouse of a veteran, a mother of three and happy to be living in “Colorful 科罗拉多州.” 她 enjoys time outdoors hiking, paddle boarding and fishing with her family 还有她的狗裘德.

她得了B.A. 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的心理学博士.S. 内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校心理健康咨询专业.

Erin’s career goal is to work as a psychologist for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).