

The Office for Health Promotion creates interactive programming on campus surrounding 心理健康,性健康,物质使用和整体健康的主题.


如果有人在你 不知情的情况下把毒品放进你的饮料里, 这就是犯罪. There are ways you can reduce the risk of having your drinks drugged, but know if this does 发生在你身上,不是你的错.    

  • 有迹象表明你的饮料可能被下了药


    • Feeling off or weird (especially if you aren't drinking alcohol) or more drunk than 你应该为你喝了多少酒而道歉  
    • 感到非常头昏眼花或昏昏欲睡 
    • 浪费时间,不知道发生了什么 
    • 恶心和呕吐 
    • Waking up feeling confused with little to no memory of the events from the previous day 
  • 保护你的饮料的安全提示


    • 永远不要让你的饮料无人看管,即使是去洗手间 
    • 避免与他人共饮 
    • 不接受陌生人的饮料 
    • 如果你没有看到倒出来的饮料,就不要喝 
    • 在你的饮料上放一个防刺的盖子. 这些一次性贴纸(免费提供 through the 健康促进处) reduce the risk of an unknown substance entering your drink.
  • 如果你认为你的饮料被下了药,该怎么办
    • 相信你自己和你的身体. 如果你认为你的饮料中有下药,那就不要喝 it.
    • 向别人伸出援手,不管是酒保、保安还是朋友. Let them know how you feel and what you think happened so they can help you get somewhere safe. 
  • 支持和报告的选项 

    If you think you have been the victim of drugging and suspect you’ve been assaulted, 我们鼓励你与皇冠app官方版下载的辩护人私下交谈 性侵幸存者倡导项目 (ASAP) 24小时热线(970-351-4040). 你也可以浏览 ASAP’s webpage 有关如何预约或在办公时间内来访的信息. ASAP工作人员将帮助您了解提交正式报告的选择. Staff in the UNC 咨询中心 are also a confidential resource, whether or not you suspect you’ve been assaulted.     


    • 拨打911与执法人员通话  
    • Report to北卡罗来纳警署 请拨打971-351-2245 
    • Work with a forensic nurse at a local hospital to report medically, anonymously and/or 向执法部门提供一份声明.  
    • 到联合国军司令部报到 机构公平与合规办公室 (OIEC)通过电话、网上或在办公时间预约.  

    Even if the incident occurred off campus you can still receive supportive services through ASAP, the 咨询中心 or OIEC.   


    If you are with someone and they start experiencing any of the signs listed above 或者告诉你他们认为他们的酒里有下药,帮助他们 如果可能的话回家. 如果可以的话,和他们呆在一起,确保他们的安全. If not, 早上去看看他们,让他们知道你一直在他们身边. Connect them with ASAP or OIEC 所以他们知道有支持服务和资源 以及他们前进的选择.


芬太尼是一种合成阿片类药物,比吗啡强50到100倍. Drug traffickers often mix fentanyl into other drugs because it’s cheaper to produce a 芬太尼让我嗨了. 芬太尼可以粉末状、胶囊状,也可以被压制 into counterfeit pills that are made to look just like prescription opioids, such as oxycodone (Oxycontin®, Percocet®) and hydrocodone (Vicodin®); alprazolam (Xanax®); 或兴奋剂,如安非他明(Adderall®). 因此,使用毒品的人可以 很容易在不知不觉中摄入芬太尼. 致命剂量的芬太尼也可以这么少 两毫克——那只是雨滴的一小部分或者几粒盐. 

Synthetic opioids, including fentanyl, are now the most common drugs involved in drug 在美国过量死亡.

The US Drug Enforcement Administration reports that 42% of counterfeit pills tested 含有可能致命的芬太尼. 
Help our community reduce the risk of opioid overdose: Visit our Preventing Opioid Overdose webpage for details about how you and those around you can avoid and respond to overdose.

Learn More


Whether or not you’re new to UNC, college is an exciting time to explore and grow. 你在大学里要做的一个重要决定就是要不要喝酒. You will 你的朋友可能会选择喝酒,而其他人可能不会. No matter the choice you make, it is important to understand the responsibility that comes along with drinking. 所以,让我们注意一下!

Too often, students underestimate how much they’ve had to drink because they aren’t using standard measurements, and alcohol comes in so many different shapes and sizes. 那么,一杯标准饮料到底是什么意思呢?

Did you know that 96% of UNC students think their peers are drinking, when in reality 只有63%的皇冠app官方版下载学生在过去30天内饮酒. 此外,四分之一的UNC 学生们甚至从不喝酒!




Beer: 一标准饮料等于12盎司. 这是5%酒精的普通啤酒. Certain beers, especially here in Colorado have higher alcohol content, so make sure 你可以通过阅读标签来了解你饮料中的酒精含量.

Malt Liquor: 一杯标准饮料等于8盎司. 这是针对酒精含量为7%的麦芽酒.

Wine: 一个标准的饮料等于5盎司. 这适用于酒精含量为12%的葡萄酒.

Liquor: 一杯标准饮料等于1.5 ounces. 这适用于所有酒精含量为40%的酒, or 80 proof. 不要被愚弄! 龙舌兰酒、威士忌、朗姆酒、伏特加等酒的酒精含量都是一样的. Also, keep in mind that mixed drinks may not be measured and can contain far more 比我们认为的要多!


Understanding your BAC is important, and helps you identify when you or a friend has 喝多了.

酒精浓度血液中酒精的浓度. If your BAC is .10,这意味着那里 一千份血液中有一份酒精吗. BAC受以下因素影响:

  • 饮酒量
  • 持续时间/消耗速度
  • Body weight
  • 出生时的性别
  • 食物和药物


It’s important to educate yourself and ensure you have the tools to be prepared for an emergency. 在皇冠app官方版下载,我们使用安全港法. 根据安全港法,如果你 are underage and drinking and suspect someone is at risk of alcohol and/or drug poisoning, 拨打911或皇冠app官方版下载警察局! 如果你打了电话,你和对方 打电话的人不会收到警方的传票吗. 下面是一些小贴士 使用《皇冠app安卓下载安装》:

  • 你和你要拜访的人必须在21岁以下.
  • 当你打电话时,告诉接线员你正在打一个安全港电话. You 需要提供你的名字和你要找的人吗.
  • 一定要说实话,和你拜访的人待在一起.


那么,我们如何将这些知识付诸实践,负责任地饮酒呢? 如果你决定了 to go out, it’s important to party with a plan, set a drink limit before going out, 知道怎样才能安全到家. 以下是来自北卡熊的其他建议:

  • 慢慢喝,交替饮用不含酒精的饮料(如水)!)
  • Make your own drinks and measure the alcohol in them so you know exactly how much 你不得不喝酒
  • 注意你的饮料,整晚都和朋友呆在一起
  • 出门前先吃顿饭


我们的熊有意识! 负责任地使用大麻在皇冠app官方版下载很重要.

  • Marijuana

    大麻是大麻植物的干花、叶和茎. The main active ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol), the chemical 这会让使用者感到“兴奋”.


    Lungs: 大麻烟雾含有与烟草烟雾相同的致癌化学物质. Daily or near daily use can result in irritation of the lungs, which can cause a cough, 支气管炎,粘液和喘息. 大量吸食大麻与脑组织有关 damage in the lungs, although we need more research to determine if this tissue damage 增加患肺癌的几率.

    心理健康: daily or near-daily use of marijuana can have an effect on memory, and if used in large amounts can cause hallucinations and paranoia (also known as a “bad trip”).

    二手烟: secondhand marijuana smoke still contains the same cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco smoke. 当你决定照明时,注意你周围的人是很重要的 up.

    Under 21: young adults who use marijuana daily or near daily are more likely to have difficulty 学习,经历记忆问题,考试成绩较低.


    • 必须年满21岁才能拥有或吸食大麻
    • 只能合法拥有1盎司TCH
    • Marijuana is prohibited on UNC’s campus (regardless of age, amount, or medical needs)
    • 如果在皇冠app官方版下载校园内发现,可能会失去经济援助和法律费用
    • Selling or giving marijuana to anyone under the age of 21 is considered a felony
  • 电子烟和尼古丁

    E-cigarettes (also knowns as vapes or JUULs), have grown in popularity in the last few years. 电子烟是一种由电池供电的设备,通过加热液体形成蒸汽 使用者吸入的物质. 这些液体含有调味剂、尼古丁、大麻或其他 潜在有害物质. 因为皇冠app安卓下载安装电子烟安全性的临床研究 还没有提交给美国.S. 食品和药物管理局(FDA),你没有 way of knowing which chemicals they contain, if they are safe, or how much nicotine 你在吸气.


    • 直到25岁,大脑仍在生长发育. 随着大脑的发育 and continues to create memories or learns new skills, synapses are built between brain cells. 年轻人的大脑形成突触的速度比成年人快. Addiction is considered a form of learning, which means younger people are more apt to become 对尼古丁上瘾.
    • Some substances found in e-cigarette vapor have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.
    • 吸电子烟的青少年更有可能开始吸烟.


    “电子烟产生的气溶胶并非无害. 它可能含有有害和潜在的 harmful chemicals, including nicotine; ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs; flavoring such diacetyl, a chemical linked to a serious lung disease; volatile organic compounds such as benzene, which is found in car exhaust; and heavy 金属,如镍、锡和铅. 科学家们仍在努力理解 more fully the health effects and harmful doses of e-cigarette contents when they are heated and turned into an aerosol, both for active users who inhale from a device 对于那些二手接触到气溶胶的人来说. 另一个需要考虑的风险 involves defective e-cigarette batteries that have been known to cause fires and explosions, 其中一些造成了严重的伤害. 大多数爆炸发生在 电子烟电池正在充电.”

Sexual Health


节育是用来防止怀孕的. 有很多不同的选择 一定要和你的医生谈谈哪种适合你!

  • 避孕植入物
  • IUD
  • 避孕药
    91%有效(典型使用). Take daily.
  • 外用(男)安全套
    85%有效(典型使用). 每次使用.
  • Abstinence
    100%有效. 每次都使用.


性传播感染 也被称为 STI 通过性行为从一个人传播到另一个人. 性传播感染比 you think, and lots of people who have them don’t have any symptoms - which is why 做检查是很重要的! 做测试是简单而容易的.



The Bedside box offers sexual health resources to UNC students free of charge and 直接送到你家门口. 只需选择您想要包含的资源 放在你床边的盒子里,后面跟着你的名字和邮寄地址. 所有提交的材料将 remain private, and personal information (name, hall #, email) will not be used for 除了提供这些很棒的资源,还有其他目的吗!

学生每学期可以索取一套免费的安全性用品. If you have 有任何问题,请联系 healthpromotion@bukatara.com or follow us Instagram @UNCO_OHP. 订单将在大约5个工作日内交付或可提取 订购后的天数.
