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Our Staff and Supervising Faculty

The Psychological Services Clinic (PSC) is staffed by graduate students pursuing either master's or doctoral degrees in Professional Counseling (PC), Counselor Education and Supervision (CES), School Psychology (SP), or Counseling Psychology (CP). All of our graduate clinicians-in-training are supervised by faculty from either the Department of Applied Psychology and Counselor Education (APCE) or the Department of School Psychology (SPSY) here at UNC. All supervising faculty are licensed or registered in their respective fields.

Supervising Faculty

Licensed Psychologist, State of Colorado
Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Colorado
Licensed Psychologist, State of Colorado
Licensed Psychologist, State of Colorado
Psychologist Candidate, State of Colorado
Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Colorado
Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Colorado
Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Colorado
Licensed Psychologist, State of Colorado
Licensed Psychologist, State of Colorado
Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Colorado
Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Colorado
Licensed Psychologist & Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Colorado