
What to Expect When Changing 职业生涯


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像许多皇冠app官方版下载校友一样,你可能正在寻找新的职业选择 职业生涯 or industry for many years. The decision to change 职业生涯s can come with fears 或者你没有预料到的焦虑,但我们皇冠app官方版下载在这里分享一些见解 from fellow Bears as you look to apply to a new role or enter a new industry. 在这里 在转行的过程中,你有什么可以期待的吗. 

Making the decision to change

The decision to change 职业生涯s can be a difficult one. For many, the decision to change is based on values; the current 职业生涯 path they are taking doesn’t feel right, they 不再相信他们工作的机构或组织的领导 for, or they want to do more by sharing the skills and expertise they have. 其他人 看看他们在职业生涯中所做的工作,并想要扩大 找到与这些技能和经验相关的职业选择或行业. 其他人只是将公司重组视为一个尝试的关键机会 新事物. The decision process can take months or even years, and it can take many conversations with family and colleagues on what this change will bring.

如果你认为是时候做出改变了,那就从皇冠app官方版下载的同学那里吸取一些见解 Bears who have made a 职业生涯 change:

“如果你认为你所处的位置不适合你,你就会想 another opportunity, take it! There’s a reason why you have that thought in your brain, and we have to ignore that self-doubt, and just take it. You start to mess it up when 你开始思考,但你不能这么做,你必须直接投入.“Felecia 伯克96年,00年

“如果你觉得自己没有投入到一份工作中,那就去做 outside of work that fill you. Be the champion for your children’s school or for your 城市,与校友和在校学生联系,并为您的家庭带来价值. 只要在目前的职位上做你需要做的事情,就能达到下一个目标 位置. Education, testing, certifications, etc… Do it for you.——瑞安·罗斯,1999年

Challenges you might face

Change brings stress, but stressors are unique to your current situation. 财务状况, 家庭的变化,新职位的责任,以及建立关系网的时间 都能让你重新考虑你的决定,但重要的是要注意,许多 these challenges are temporary. Thinking long-term may help mitigate this stress, 它还会帮助你为转行带来的许多变化做好计划.

沟通 with family and friends will also be vital during this time. 沟通 与你的伴侣讨论日程安排或家庭角色的变化将有助于缓解紧张情绪 stress that comes with a new profession. Finding a colleague, family member, or fellow 忍受成为一个出口,会让你不加评判地分享你的挣扎. 

资源 available to you as a UNC Bear

你是否跟踪过潜在的未来同事的工作,或者进行过职业对话 about what the industry looks like? You can easily connect with fellow UNC Bears through 我们的网上 领英校友群. 这些职业对话也可能是一个提出尖锐问题的机会 皇冠app安卓下载安装日程安排的变化、工作与生活的平衡、平均工资和福利信息, and a time to ask for additional connections in the industry. 

作为皇冠app官方版下载熊网络的一部分,您可以使用各种资源. 在这里 下面是一些利用我们的职业资源和项目的好方法:

Bear Network Live online 职业生涯 chats -与皇冠app官方版下载的职业顾问进行一对一的交谈,让他们回答你的职业问题. Happen monthly, register for our next event today.

数字资源 & 博客 扩大你在社交媒体上的存在,更新你的专业材料,并阅读 the alumni blog to continue to develop your professional expertise.

仅限校友的职业活动- UNC与州内机构合作提供 alumni only 职业生涯 events. (2017年秋季免费活动- HireBoulder 12月7日).

Continued Professional 发展 – take an online course through UNC’s 扩展校园, or start down the path of your next degree through UNC’s 研究生院.


1996年,她毕业于皇冠app官方版下载,获得了基础教育学位 to support the development of youth in her community. For 12 years, Felecia stayed 在这条道路上,她总是对她所服务的学生充满热情,但慢慢地失去了 confidence in school district leadership. These changes caused Felecia to question her “fit” in her role as a teacher, in education, and in her community. 她想知道 如果她还能茁壮成长,如果她能为学生们带来改变 她. 

菲莉亚的教育生涯即将结束,她和丈夫又有了几次 conversations around making the change. 如何 would she succeed in this new role? 如何 would a 职业生涯 change affect the family? 

虽然它不是没有打嗝,但菲莉亚说她之后非常高兴 making the change from educator to sales manager at North American Title. 她的工作 继续充实她的灵魂,因为她为购房者提供选择和教育, real estate agents, colleagues, and others through products and training. 

Felecia shared that the transition was difficult for her family. 她的传统日程安排 as an educator had her home by 4 p.m., and immersed in home life. 在她的新日程中, many of her traditional roles at home no longer fit; she worked later hours because relationship building and networking happened after close of business. 她和她 老公在改变后要学会用不同的方式沟通,并加上 other ways of looking at things, the new family dynamic took shape. 

The other struggle Felecia shared was the issue around salary. 菲莉亚一开始很害怕 在她的新职位上,没有通过委员会支付家庭费用,所以她进行了谈判 a base salary comparable to her former teaching salary. This ended up hindering her initial success, and was difficult to negotiate her way out of. 菲莉亚希望如此 越来越多的女性找到了与业内人士联系的方式,询问其他选择, and not hinder their own success. 

最近,菲莉亚被任命为丹佛地铁北美销售经理. Join us in celebrating her success!


Ryan于1999年毕业于皇冠app官方版下载,获得皇冠app安卓下载安装与传播学位 a full-time 位置 at Frito Lay. He and his wife met during their student experience 在UNC. 为了养家糊口,Ryan毕业后开始在Frito Lay工作. 瑞安在公司工作了近17年,虽然他的职位很稳定, 他渴望过更好的生活. Ryan shared that there was a lack of professional advancement 在他的角色中,他没有感觉到与他所做的工作有情感上的联系. 当公司正在完成重组时,瑞安把这一变化视为一个机会 to move into a new industry. 

Ryan最近进入了保险行业,尽管遇到了挑战; he and his family mitigate their stress through their faith as Christians. 瑞安还 他说,在他转行之前,他的家人做了很多准备,包括 a comprehensive financial plan while Ryan’s business took off.

在我们的谈话中,Ryan谈到了他对这个新行业的热情. He 是否能够在每天的工作中运用他的技能和价值观,并且能够提供帮助 others in ways he could have never done in his former role. 他还谈到了 他和他的家人为了让他走上这条新的道路而做出了信仰上的飞跃 advice he would share with others. “没有回头路. 你必须参与其中 做到100%. Toes in the water doesn’t work.” Through this mindset, he has pushed himself 抓住每一个机会,培训,或社交活动,成为他的成长 新生活.

瑞安说,他希望自己的新行业能有一位导师,但更具体地说, a mentor who had entered the industry within the last three years. 这将是 帮助他了解进入一个新行业的挑战和潜在的陷阱. 它也提供了一个机会来分享见解,请求反馈,和 receive pointers about the first 6 months to a year in the new role. 他希望留在 与皇冠app官方版下载合作,并根据其他人的决定,与其他皇冠app官方版下载的熊一起提供见解 进入一个新的行业.

Recently, Ryan joined the Greeley Chamber of Commerce. Help us celebrate this and 其他即将取得的成就!

Do you have a 职业生涯 change story to add? Would you like to be a resource for fellow UNC Bears thinking about 职业生涯 change? Get involved as an alumni 职业生涯 advisor.