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2021 Honored Alumni


Office of Alumni RelationsOffice of Alumni Relations
January 11, 2021

Congratulations to the 2021 UNC Honored Alumni. Excerpts from each honoree’s nomination 你可以在周四的虚拟庆祝活动中了解更多信息, March 25, 2021.

Steven Maurice ’72
“虽然史蒂文和他的家人已经为皇冠app官方版下载捐赠了一段时间,但在2018年 他听了皇冠app官方版下载的“记住”播客,其中介绍了一些国际 field work Dr. Doerner and I conducted with students here in our program. Inspired by this fieldwork in Guyana, Iceland and Africa, Mr. Maurice decided to target his donations to the Department of Geography, GIS, & Sustainability. Since that time, we’ve come to know Mr. Maurice as a dedicated member of his community who has contributed both time and funds to sustainable initiatives around the world. Steven and his family 他们是否通过本地和国际项目致力于公民参与 in scale.”
Dr. Karen S. Barton
UNC Professor of Geography, GIS, and Sustainability

“通过史蒂夫的慷慨,他提供了购买必要音响设备的收入 for the Theatre. The Uptown Theatre is now an event center in the FSCC and we book 音乐家和其他娱乐创造了必要的收入来源. The Theatre 也是芒特弗农/里斯本社区剧院的所在地,供学生使用 为他们的学生作品和其他团体,如Mount Vernon Girl Scouts. We are in the process of updating our sound equipment and Steve is again assisting us. Steve is a very generous man with his time and knowledge plus his financial contributions.”
Trude and Rick Elliott
Owners and Operators First Street Community Center

“他是推动我们镇剧院空间升级的领导者,也是专业人士 bono consultant to make the space comfortable and acoustically sound. In configuring 音响系统,他利用自己多年的音乐经验来设计和帮助安装 a system that would be the envy of many much larger performance spaces. In addition, 史蒂夫每年都从他的家族基金会中直接向我们的艺术委员会捐款. 这种支持在很大程度上帮助我们努力使弗农山 an arts-centric community.”
Steve Maravetz
President, Mount Vernon Area Arts Council

Larry L. Miller ’61
“Dr. Miller received the Horace T. Morse all-university undergraduate teaching award 以及多个国家级研究奖项,包括约翰·西蒙·古根海姆奖学金. He mentored more than forty Ph.Ds. and forty postdoctoral fellows and with them published some two hundred research papers. Dr. Miller conducted research in organic chemistry, electrochemistry and materials chemistry. His approach was to get a new, sometimes radical, idea involving these disparate fields; then validate the hypothesis, show how it works and how it could be used. He was a world leader in organic electrochemistry, using electricity to perform chemical reactions. His research group found that many 各种化合物,无论是简单的还是复杂的,都可以进行电化学转化 to useful products…

他对自己在皇冠app官方版下载的时光感到非常自豪,尤其感谢老师的鼓励, 他从化学系的教授那里得到支持和偶尔的鼓励 during his undergraduate years. He arrived as the first in his family to attend college 然后继续读研究生,过着充满化学和非凡经历的生活 and noteworthy contributions to the chemistry profession and academia. He chose to 帮助类似的皇冠app官方版下载本科生实现他们追求化学研究生的目标 school with the establishment of the Larry L. Miller Chemistry Scholarship.”
Dr. James Schreck
UNC Professor of Chemistry Emeritus

Bettie Stone ’72, ’80, ’02
“在她职业生涯的前34年里,她作为教师的能力堪称典范 who was involved in all aspects of her district. Her move into administration allowed 她努力将自己的影响力从课堂扩展到整个地区,不断发展 curriculum and helping to manage the business side of education. During this time 她还获得了科学教育硕士学位和教育领导博士学位 and Policy Studies, both at UNC. Thirty-four years is a long and fulfilling career in education. For many, that would be the beginning of retirement, enjoying passions put aside for so many years. But for Dr. Stone, this seemed a great time to start her second act…

It is in the delivery of this expertise where Dr. Stone has most demonstrated the 荣誉校友的价值观,并向皇冠app官方版下载作为一所师范学院的历史致敬. 她的热情是与教育工作者单独合作,为变革点燃火焰 the lives of children. While Dr. Stone has taken the education she acquired through 她在皇冠app官方版下载获得了三个学位,但她仍然是一个热情的人 supporter of the university. Home time finds her at football, volleyball and basketball (men’s and women’s) games.”
Cathi Entwistle ’82

“北京是国内和国际公认的教育领导者. She has coached and mentored thousands of in-service and pre-service educators. As an author of Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd Edition; Handbook for Classroom Instruction, 2nd Edition; 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》 her unique style of teaching through storytelling comes through. Bj always has an anecdote or a story to share that drives a point home for her learners. Although Bj 她曾在全国各地工作,她经常谈到如何为学校和学生服务 格里利地区周围的街区给她带来了最大的满足 statement is a reflection of her commitment to community.”
Kathleen Dempsey
McREL International, Senior Director (2008-2020)

Brandon Torrez ’99, ’02
“Much of his GWHS and UNC pride come from his passion for students. Torrez is committed 他为学生服务,并沉浸在高中生的各个方面 experience. 十多年来,他一直赞助拉丁美洲联盟 GWHS的公民俱乐部,吸引了经常得不到充分服务和代表性不足的西班牙裔/拉丁裔 population of students and families the school serves. He also recently completed 担任华盛顿大学男子篮球队助理教练长达20年

作为一名拉丁裔数学教育家,他知道自己有成为榜样的潜力, advisor, and example for the students he teaches. Helping students see their potential 是特雷兹的个人使命,数百名学生会分享他的见解 and support made an impact on the direction of their lives. Throughout his career, 托雷兹一直大力倡导学生接受大学教育, 经常通过他的母校皇冠app官方版下载分享教育机会.”
Isaiah and Elijah Torrez

他的学生亲切地称呼他为“托雷兹”,他被认为是世界上最优秀、最富有经验的作家之一 one of the toughest teachers at Greeley West High School. A Spartan graduate himself, 他是一个老师,让周围的人变得更好,并继续让自己变得更好 通过接受新的课程和技术,即使在二十多年后. His efforts 得到了学生们的认可(他们在2019年选举他为毕业典礼演讲嘉宾), 同学们(他在2017年被评为GWHS年度教师)以及家长们的一致好评. He is a Spartan, through and through. As a University of Northern Colorado alum myself, 我会全心全意地推荐Brandon Torrez作为荣誉校友,因为他体现了这一点 everything I strive to be.”
Jeff Cranson ’09
Principal, Greeley West High School

Nancy Wendirad ’05
“我在南希还是皇冠app官方版下载本科生的时候就认识她了,一直在关注她 her career and accomplishments since then. She is indeed an inspirational and committed 专业人士一直并将继续积极参与格里利和 UNC community. I believe that her efforts to relentlessly represent and promote UNC, as well as her extensive community work deserve recognition.”
Dr. Madeline Milian
UNC Professor of Education

“Nancy is a dedicated, strong and positive person. She is dedicated to family, education, her career, and her students. Nancy has dealt with some life and health issues in a strong and positive way. We all have choices to make in life and Nancy chooses to be positive and stay strong. When Nancy commits to an endeavor, you can be assured 它不仅会被执行,而且会尽她最大的努力去完成.“
Diana Vásquez ’80

“在我认识她的过去九年里,她一直表现出一个人的特点 outstanding leader and a hard-working individual. Her continual dedication inspires me to be a better person and deliberately pursue my goals. Mrs. Wendirad has demonstrated 热情和效率引导学生和他们的家庭通过无数的实例. 作为一名教育工作者,她运用课堂礼仪,运用自己出色的人际交往能力 skills to assure that students feel welcome and confident. She goes above and beyond to assist them in achieving their goals. Personally, she has helped me develop academically 在专业上,挑战我申请严格的教育机构 and employment opportunities.”
Dolores I. García
Fort Lupton High School ’15


Do you know someone deserving of an Honored Alumni award? To nominate alumni and friends 如欲进一步甄选,请浏览荣誉校友网页或联络校友会. Nominations open each fall.

Honored Alumni