



The 2020 获奖者 have been chosen in recognition for their outstanding contributions 皇冠app官方版下载,他们的职业和他们的社区. 仪式是你的机会 meet some of the most prominent members of the UNC community, including this year's 获奖者. Get to know the 获奖者, and make your plans to meet them at the ceremony.

更新 & 机会

The March 27 ceremony is canceled following the university's 2020年3月11日,冠状病毒预防公告.

But you can still help UNC and the 北卡大学校友会 celebrate this year's Honored 校友. Share your notes of congratulations and we'll post these to @UNCBears校友 然后把它们传给获奖者.


Bill Benson '76

Bill Benson '76 has worked in Sidney, Nebraska, as a financial advisor for the past 26 years. 本森的 fond memories of his days in UNC’s History Department in the mid-1970s led him to 建立“威廉·H. “本森历史奖学金”. 在 years, Benson has funded dozens of scholarships for the Department’s best students, 每年为至少六名学生提供支持. 历史系的本科生 students now consider the Benson Scholarship a prestigious and coveted award. 每一个 year in April, Benson drives back to UNC to attend the History Department’s 奖 举行典礼并向获奖者颁发奖学金. 此外,本森还资助了 一笔捐赠基金,用于继续“威廉·H. 本森历史奖学金”走向未来. For three decades now, Benson has written a biweekly newspaper column on historical topics, and five years ago he published a book on two individuals from colonial American 历史:罗杰·威廉姆斯和科顿·马瑟.

Anissa Guzman '93, '01

After beginning her nursing education career teaching at community colleges in northern 科罗拉多州, Anissa Guzman '93, '01 回到母校当助理教授. 从那以后,古兹曼成为了 Director of Nursing Education for Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and is now the Division Manager of Clinical Education for Catholic Health Initiatives in the Nebraska 和爱荷华地区. On campus 从远处看, 古兹曼 supported UNC’s students — serving on an alumni career panel and volunteering to be a career mentor in person 从远处看. 古兹曼 remained committed to the César Chávez Cultural Center 特别是. When the César Chávez Cultural Center has celebrated milestones in recent years, 古兹曼 returned to share the center’s joy. 在得知许多 students at the center struggle with food insecurity, she arranged for grocery delivery to the center, and she orders pizza for students during finals each year. 古兹曼 set a professional example for Latina students hoping to pursue a nursing career and has inspired other alumni to follow her lead in providing support for current students.

Gary Loo '64

毕业以后, Gary Loo '64 went to work with his brother managing the daily operations of his family’s growing 今天被称为Current. 在卢兄弟的领导下,公司迅速发展. Having amassed more than $100 million in sales, the brothers decided to sell the business in 1986. After the sale, the brothers formed High Valley Group Inc.,该公司投资 in real estate and other business ventures including the prospering Briargate subdivision 在科罗拉多斯普林斯的北边. The group helped build the Sky Sox Stadium and invested 在著名的博尔德伊泽饮料公司. 在他繁荣的职业生涯中, 卢一直是皇冠app官方版下载的积极支持者. 他自愿成为…的成员 the 校友会 Board in the late 1980s, and in 2001, he established the Gary Loo Athletic Scholarship Endowment, which has funded scholarships for UNC student 连续18年成为运动员. 卢也一直支持MCB院长 Fund, providing for additional student scholarships, student travel, faculty support and program support, which otherwise may not have been possible.

Jose Martinez III '07

After only six years of teaching at Bear Creek High School in Lakewood, CO, Jose Martinez III '07 was selected for the prestigious Milken Educator Award in 2013. 这个年度奖项 is given to select teachers around the country who have established themselves as 职业生涯早期的杰出教育家. 马丁内斯以不知疲倦的奉献精神而闻名 为学生的成功和社区的丰富. 除了他作为老师的职责之外 and assistant principal, which include teaching economics, government, geography and broadcasting, Martinez is head coach of junior varsity tennis, advises student senate, assists students in the production of educational videos, serves on the school’s technology committee, and acts as a DJ for student gatherings to ensure students have a safe, 无毒的社会环境. 马丁内斯把他作为大使的时间花在了 UNC and has participated in various on-campus volunteer events. 2018年,马丁内斯 was the keynote speaker for the National Field Experience Conference in Greeley, and in 2019 served as the keynote speaker for the Cumbres Graduation Reception.

Rico Wint '09

阿方索·里科,09年 is a passionate motivational speaker, youth educator, community leader and minister. In 2009, Wint founded Young Men of Purpose, an enrichment program in the Denver metro area that guides inner-city elementary, middle, and high school males with positive 自我形象和社会行为. 这个项目提供了一个平台来支持和 影响超过3000名年轻男性. 2017年,温特被奥罗拉中心高中授予荣誉称号 School with the Legend Award in recognition for his service to the community. 在他的 personal and professional life, Wint has always encouraged scholarship and higher 他所服务的年轻人的教育程度. 他主持过“皇冠app官方版下载日YMOP”, where he coordinated a trip for boys from different districts and schools to visit UNC一起. 在 past decade, he has watched more than 25 Young Men of Purpose 参与者选择参加UNC. He has also continued to give back to the UNC community as a keynote speaker for special events, a panelist for alumni career panels, and the subject of university feature stories about his work as a young alumnus.